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Poetry by S. Rochelle

I’m a poet at heart, and have scribbled poetry and stories since childhood. Writing is as intertwined in my life as gardens and tea. To read a small sample of my work, click the image below.

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The Plant Life. The Seed Life.

I’ve always loved plants. I’m a daughter and granddaughter to women who lived surrounded by gardens, and I spent more than a few childhood summers helping my aunt and uncle in their greenhouse. I was happiest with my hands in the dirt, and I always had something growing.

The Seed of Life business name was inspired in part by my grandmother. She had this little saying: If you put a fifty cent plant in a five dollar hole, you’ll have a five dollar plant. She knew that nourishing the seed, the root, was what brought a vibrant plant to life. I never forgot that saying, and every time I plant something I smile, remembering her.

We humans are no different. Our roots and seeds -our inner lives – need to be nourished. We can’t expect a beautiful outer life if we are starving for nourishment in our hearts, our minds, our bodies. This is the passion behind Seed of Life. Every tea blend I craft has been designed with nourishment in mind.

“Food has so much to teach us about nourishment,
and as a culture we struggle
with what it means to be not simply fed,
but profoundly and holistically nourished.”
– Tish Harrison

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