Let There Be Light

He sits alone
on the steps, a little boy
guilty only of being born, 
listening for a footstep 
no longer lurching, for a tongue
no longer burning,
for the key to turn, for warmth 
to reach out, but
only dark comes to answer, dark 
that a thousand candles can’t pierce
and while he waits he is weaving
a house to hold him, a house 
of sticks and stones, words 
born in bone.

Oh let there be light.

She stands alone
in the night, a woman
listening for a song lost,
a song
that lies fallen at her feet, her voice
once vibrant now silent, taken
by one feigning love, words
piercing steel-edged 
where angels fear to tread,
she hides hope
with a smile but
a thousand cuts too small to see
will empty sacred wells

Oh let there be light.

And there was light.

Not that glow we call light,
healing and rescuing in fantasy endings, 
no, not that light, but

that holds hands with darkness,

limping from lips human,
from pages of tree-skin,

Light brushed
onto canvas in ink of tears
and paint of blood,

transmuting into lyrics and chords,

wrung from the earth 
in hands who have been there before.

In the alone, in the void, 
when darkness covers the face of the world, 
it is a voice
that parts the dark waters.

And there 
is light.

-s. rochelle

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