A Tea Blending Life

It’s a Mixing World Here I think some tea purists would shudder at my love of tea blending. And I understand. I understand that there are some teas that need to be enjoyed on their own, without additions. I love the simple elegance of a rare Kumaon tea from the Himalayas, sipped from beautiful china. And I also love the humble kitchen-garden herbs of rural America that bloom anywhere, sometimes in the most unwelcoming conditions. I love their healing, nurturing qualities, and the simplicity of an herbal tisane in a pottery mug, sipped…

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Creating a Garden Pharmacy

With every news headline lately, I have become more aware of the fragile thread that holds civilized society together. I had thought before of the effects a catastrophe would have on my family. I thought of war, a power grid failure, or terrorist attacks. But all it took was images of medical personnel in hazmat suits, flashing continually over our screens, to bring the civilized world to its knees. Meanwhile, we hoard toilet paper in a desperate attempt to control our fate. There is very little I can control in this world. But…

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